Retirement homes

Retirement homes: Safety and comfort for residents, from reception to bedrooms.

Retirement homes

Nursing homes: Safety and comfort for residents, from reception to bedrooms.

banniere ehpad maison de retraite

The fire safety FR standard is compulsory for textiles as well as NF12952 for bed linen. Discover our range of textiles that are designed especially to meet your requirements.

Bedding features
Window features
Other uses


Bedspreads, in addition to their decorative aspects, also provide a way to maintain good bed hygiene, for the greater comfort of your residents.
Our collection of specially designed fabrics offers a wide choice of colours and patterns, and meets the NF12952 standard, which is required for bed linen.


An attractive addition, whether rectangular or square, decorative cushions are essential finishing touches when decorating a bed. They bring warmth and comfort to your residents’ living spaces.

Bed runners

Bed runners are a principle element of decoration, adding a neat and finished appearance to the textile decoration in rooms. We design different models of bed runners.
Standard manufacturing réf : OT, OR and PM.




More practical than shutters, curtains enhance residents’ comfort by allowing them shut out bright light and darken their rooms. Select fabrics from our collections of blackout and dimout fabrics and also choose from our Jacquard fabrics for trendy and customised decoration.
We guide you to the most frequent standards in nursery:
prepleated head ref. PP70, the eyelet head ref : TO and header curtain ref : RF.
Track and supplies :
KS rail (for curtains up to 8kg/ml) and KSC rail (for curtains up to 12kg/ml), track round diameter 20mm or 25 mm ref : TR20 ou TR25.

Roller blinds

Our wide range of fabrics for blinds lets you adapt them to match the decorative environment: plain, printed or technical. Thanks to our technical expertise in digital printing, textile mediums can add life and warmth to interior spaces.

Panel curtains

Dès l’espace d’accueil, misez sur la décoration textile en toute sécurité. Pour la conception des parois japonaises, faites votre choix parmi nos textiles non-feu, pour habiller les baies vitrées à votre image (logo, couleur) ou simplement moduler les espaces. Grâce à leur ouverture horizontale sur rails, les parois japonaises assurent un aménagement intérieur simple et efficace.




Add a decorative touch to seating to provide a warm atmosphere. Designer and decorative, upholstery fabric allows you to truly customise your interior space to match each room.

Do you have a project?

Our sales staff can provide you with support and in-depth expertise on standards for specific types of establishment (schools, hotels, retirement homes, healthcare, etc.).